Cloth Baby Wipes Solution

Lately it seems like the topic of cloth diapers and cloth wipes have been coming up pretty frequently at visits. Did you know that here at TCM we have our own little cloth diaper library, so that you can feel and play with the various types of cloth diapers? If you are an avid cloth diaper user, we’d love to know your favorite kind so that we can get a sample to include in our collection.

One of our very experienced moms, Melissa, was sharing her cloth wipe solution with us at one of her postpartum visits. She has been using this recipe for years, and it is so simple and genius, I asked her if I could share it on the blog. Many thanks to her for her permission to share the love of cloth wipes.

Side note: Personally I think that if you are already using cloth diapers, using cloth wipes actually makes everything easier. That way, you don’t have to separate out the disposable wipes to toss and the cloth diapers to put in the wash…you can just roll them all together and throw them in your laundry bag/can/basket together. And of course, if you are already doing all of the laundry for the diapers, also doing wipes isn’t going to increase your load by much. They’re also super soft and gentle on baby’s bottoms, and you dont’ have to worry about any unknown ingredients. And think of all of the money you will be saving!

At home you can put the cloth wipes (most often I’ve seen families use those little baby wash cloths) in a wipe warmer and squirt the solution on them so that they are all ready to go whenever you need to change diapers. No need to run to the sink to prep the wipes each time. On the go, you can bring along a small bottle of the juice and squirt it on right before you use the wipe. I would think that in my life as a mom, we’ll probably still have a pack of disposable wipes in our diaper bag for those times when sticky hands need to be cleaned, or who knows what. But this will still save tons of money. And I can’t get over how much I love the idea of not having to keep the dirty disposable wipes separate so that they don’t get thrown in the wash.

So, here it is!

In a 16 ounce bottle (peri bottles work great!), combine:
• 1 oz Dr. Bronner’s Unscented Baby Mild Liquid Soap (or the lavender would work great as well)
• 1 oz of witch hazel (optional)
• 1/2 oz of olive oil or grapeseed oil (optional, but a great moisturizer)
• 5 drops Thieves oil (Thieves oil can be found and purchased as is, however it is a blend of 5 essential oils and you can also make your own. Recipe found here. Tea Tree oil would also work.)

Fill up the rest of the bottle with water and shake. Squirt the solution over a stack of wipes and put them in the wipes warmer. This sized batch will last about 2-3 days.

How simple is that? You could just make it with two ingredients if you wanted to be a minimalist about it….soap and thives/tea tree oil!

A huge thanks to Melissa for sharing her recipe. If you’d like to read more great ideas from Melissa, check out her blog at 

Enjoy! And let us know what you and your little one think of the wipes solution if you try it out!
