Breastfeeding and Latch Videos

We talk quite often towards the end of pregnancy about breastfeeding and try our best at giving a good visual (our midwives do a fabulous demonstration with puppets!). We also work a lot in the initial postpartum days at helping with a great latch, good positioning, and preserving those tender tissues. It can be nice to watch breastfeeding videos before and after baby arrives to get a good visual showing how baby latches, what active sucking looks like, and what swallowing sounds like. The best way to learn how to breastfeed, is to watch how its done. Take a half hour, make yourself a cup of tea, and enjoy watching all of the beautiful feeding dyads.

Here is a great overview of all of the things to be thinking of:

This is a great site by Dr Jack Neuman that has a nice video library:

You can see the muscles in the jaw moving and see baby swallowing. We would still like to see a better latch from this baby with more areola in the baby’s mouth, but as long as there isn’t nipple pain, we know this baby is getting plenty of milk from all of that swallowing!

A much better latch. No areola showing!

A great animation of how far back the nipple needs to be for a good, deep latch vs. a shallow latch. (My least part of this video is when it says that “breastfeeding is instinctive to babies, but not mothers.” In reality, I think it is a bit of a learning experience for both partners in the dyad. The visuals are good though in showing how deep the nipple needs to go, so that is the part to pay attention to.)

Here is a great video on breast massage and hand expression!

This is a great video which shows how to hand express.

Here is another hand expression video:

This one is not in english, but shows a good visual for hand expression:

Here is a video showing Biological Nurturing, or Laid Back Breastfeeding, showing how comfortable parents can be during nursing!

Please share any favorite videos you have on breastfeeding! We still haven’t found a good one which shows the “hamburger” latch, but you can look forward to a demonstration of that by your midwife at one of your future visits. In the meantime, notice how you take a bite of a big hamburger or tall sandwich. It will give you an idea of how a little baby’s mouth can take in a whole big areola during nursing. Enjoy!

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