Birth Art and Inspirational Images

There are many forms of birth art -paintings, quilts, jewelry and photography- these items can be made by just about anyone and can be used to commemorate an experience, to inspire or simply to express oneself.  This blog is a small sampling of some of the birth art that is on the internet -some of these examples are available to be purchased. Birth art can really be anything that speaks to you and relates to your journey through pregnancy, birth and parenthood. If you have favorite images or birth art of your own that you’d like to share, please do!

A common theme in birth art is “opening”. Flowers, are often used to symbolize the opening cervix during birth. The rose and the lotus are two of the more commonly used flowers. Some moms like to have similar paintings or prints in their birthing space to help them visualize their own cervix melting away and opening during labor.

Image from Amy Vous

Image from

Image from Birth Bliss











Pregnancy and birth related art can be made before or after the birth -showing a scene that happened realistically, how you remember it, how you are picturing it happening or just about anything. Images can be realistic or can be full of other symbols; somewhat like this painting of a woman’s star-filled water birth.


Prenatal artwork can be a fun thing to make with partners or older siblings. It can be displayed in the new baby’s room or in the birthing space. It can also be made as a part of a Blessingway if a mother would like that. Here, are some examples of artwork depicting a still developing baby.

Image from

Image from Society 6











Birth affirmations can also be included into artwork; such as in this lovely image! For more affirmation ideas checkout this past TCM blog post.


Another fun way to make birth related art is through jewlery. Etsy is FULL of fun birth jewelry and other items. Keychains, necklaces, rings, bracelets and more. If you have a favorite shop or place to find jewelry let us know! Here is an example of a birth-necklace.


Another big aspect of pregnancy and birth art is recognizing and honoring the power that women have when giving birth. These two following images show the strength that it takes to birth babies and I think, they can be very inspirational when preparing to give birth.

Image from

Image from Amanda Greavette

Image from

Image from Flickr











For more inspiration art please check out the Birth Project by Amanda Greavette, The Mandala Journey by Amy Haderer-Swagman, and which compiles many types of art from varying cultures and centuries.

For more information and ideas about how to make your own birth art please check out Birthing from Within by Pam England and Rob Horowitz -specifically chapters 8-10.

If you’re interested in belly casting as a form of birth art please check out this TCM blog on belly casting.

What other art ideas do you have? Or favorite resources? Let us know in the comments!

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