Announcing the 2013 TCM holiday coloring contest!

*Update, deadline extended to December 7th!*

Twin Cities Midwifery is excited to announce its 2013 holiday coloring contest! We invite children of all ages to pull out their crayons, markers, and finger paints, and create a seasonal picture for Twin Cities Midwifery. The winner will be featured on this year’s holiday greeting card, which will be sent out to all of our families. Runner-ups will be shared here on the TCM blog.

Please email a high quality scan of the art work to, or send an email to Kate to arrange a way to drop off your child’s art.

Please include the child’s name and age with each submission.

All submissions must be received no later than Saturday, December 1st to be considered for the holiday card. Happy creating!

Check out last year’s winners and runner-ups here, and 2011’s winners and runner-ups here!
