Thank you & Goodbye from Rachel

To all of the lovely Twin Cities Midwifery families, and of course, Kate:

Thank you all so, so much for an amazing year of babies, and learning and growing. This year has flown by (for me, at least!) and it has been such a joy to work with so many sweet families and welcome many beautiful babies.

Thank you to all of the families who let me join in on their pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experiences. It’s such an honor to be one of the first people to meet your babies and to witness the growing of your families. I have learned so many midwifery and life lessons from your births and our conversations throughout your care. I will take these lessons with me. Thank you for so many unforgettable experiences!

Thank you, a million times over, to Kate, for all of the lessons and laughs over the last year. I have learned a thousand things this year and cannot thank you enough for the role you’ve played in my journey toward becoming a midwife. Thank you for believing in me and patiently teaching me many, many clinical, business, and life lessons. I sincerely hope to have a practice very similar to yours one day and cannot thank you enough taking me under your wing over this last year.

As some of you know, I’m nearing the end of my midwifery training. I’ll continue to be a student in the Twin Cities until June of this year and then I will be graduating from Birthwise Midwifery School. My post-graduation plans are not set in stone quite yet but I hope to still be around this lovely birth community for at least the next few years as a midwife. I’m sure I’ll see some of you around at TCM events and other birth-related things.

Wishing you all the births that you are envisioning and happy, healthy babies.



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