TCM Event: 2013 Family Picnic and Magic Show

I often tell people, one of my favorite parts of being a midwife is building relationships with the families I work with. I am lucky…I get the cream-of-the-crop, most amazing pregnant families in the Twin Cities. I love getting to know them throughout their care, attend them in labor, and get to meet their babies with them! I honestly can’t imagine a better or more fulfilling way way to spend my time. So you can imagine that at the last postpartum visit, it is hard to say goodbye after we’ve gotten so used to seeing each other regularly. And that is why I started TCM events. Yes, it is for families to get to meet other families. But also, selfishly, it is for me to get to see all of these amazing families and babies!

Last weekend, we had beautiful weather to have our annual TCM family picnic and magic show. We were so lucky to have Megan from Megan Crown Photography there to take photos. Someone had the idea of a photo of me with all of the TCM babies who were at the picnic. That was pretty fun!


Love all of these babies who were at the TCM picnic! This photo is complete with my Emalyn stealing another babe’s paci! Luckily she didn’t really mind!

Thank you Megan for the photos, and to all of you incredible families who have blessed my life by inviting me on your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey with you. I love getting to see you long after your last visit!

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