Resources for Preparing Siblings for Baby

by Kate Saumweber Hogan, CPM, LM

*If you would like to schedule a private class please email me at and we will share our availability and more information on the class*


Brother Love!

Brother Love!

I love getting to discuss this topic with families and offer some tips and tricks for making the process of pregnancy, birth, and postpartum time easier on older siblings. Here are the resources we discussed in our class for future reference (and Twin Cities Midwifery clients are welcome to borrow them, as they are all part of my lending library). If you are reading this and feel like there are any that I’ve missed, please let me know!

by Megan Crown Photography

by Megan Crown Photography

Prenatal Involvement and Development:


Getting Ready to Be a Big Sibling (what to expect life will be like once baby arrives):

by Megan Crown Photography

by Megan Crown Photography

Getting Ready to Attend the Birth!

A big brother at his baby sister's birth!.

A big brother at his baby sister’s birth!.


Books for older children, about birth and other various aspects of bodies and sexuality:


Sibling Rivalry:

  • While we don’t have these in our library, here is a great list to review if you are looking for sibling books as kids get older.
  • Here are additional ideas to make this transition smoother, which includes a suggested book list at the end.



  • Birth Day” by Naoli Vinave is a DVD showing a water birth with children present
  • There’s a Baby by Penny Simkin is a DVD that shows an older sister’s joy and excitement as she learns about what the baby can do before birth, sees her baby sister be born, and shows a bit about life with a new baby.
  • Births on the Blooma Prenatal Yoga DVD
  • This non graphic slide show of labor, immediate postpartum, and even a shot of tandem nursing called Home Birth of Baby Boy
  • This 6 minute video of a home waterbirth with older siblings present, Gus’ Home Water Birth (not very graphic).
  • The home water birth of our Rainbow Baby on July 17, 2013 shows siblings preparing for baby, and then them meeting their little sister at the birth. (The sound seems like it wasn’t quite edited correctly, so you may want to turn your volume down a bit.)
  • Another sweet homebirth, welcoming Macklin, with an older sibling present.
  • Not a homebirth, but a sweet animated video about labor, birth, and midwives.
  • Another sweet home waterbirth of Baby Sloane. It includes the newborn exam following birth, baby bonding with dad, and a sibling meeting baby for the first time.
  • This is a home birth welcoming sweet Baby Elizabeth. The siblings have a sweet, first meeting with Elizabeth after the birth.
  • Another sweet home waterbirth with mom catching baby. The siblings are in the video, too, when they meet baby Ivy Claire after the birth.
  • The home, VBAC waterbirth of Baby Harlow.
  • Baby A being born into her mama’s awaiting hands with big sister supporting mom in the birth tub at home
  • Here is a sweet 10 min homebirth with a big sister.
  • This is a sweet home waterbirth welcoming baby Lemma Maria and immediate postpartum.
  • Here is a series of videos that were gathered with a child audience in mind.
  • This site has a number of different birthing videos look through.
  • Here are 6 favorites shared on Mothering.
  • To see the full 17 minute video you’ll have to enter your email address. This birth is not in the water.
  • Search for home births and animal births on You Tube
  • This sweet 10 minute homebirth video of the birth of Teddy captured by Josephine Miller

If you are looking for additional information, other than just the resources above, or if you would like me to present the full class, please feel free to contact me (!


by Megan Crown Photography
